Just as women, husbands, families, bearing the cross of miscarriage and infant loss often need the support of the Catholic Church, their Church, so it is with women in a season of infertility. Miscarriage can be a symptom of infertility, and so it behooves us, as a miscarriage and infant loss support ministry, to share with you all whenever new resources become available that support our mission.

We are pleased to share that a local volunteer out of one of the diocesan parishes has stepped forward to facilitate this group. The next gathering will take place on Thursday, September 21st 2023 at 6:30 PM. Those who are interested can reach out to Holy Apostles Catholic Church in Colorado Springs, CO, or complete our contact form HERE

Similarly to miscarriage support, there are ministries in the area and online that boast ecumenical fellowship and help. Their intention is good, and it’s worth commending, but particularly when it comes to infertility, ecumenicism may not be the route to take for us as Catholics.

The Catholic Church has very specific teachings about what it calls life-giving love in the technological age. It’s a fancy way of saying that we are living in a time when there is an abundance of medical technology at our disposal with the intention of creating new life or preventing it. Much of it, is unfortunately incompatible with the teachings of God and His Church.

It can be an extra challenge to bearing one’s cross of infertility when you are sitting in a “support group” with others exploring or already utilizing surrogacy, IVF and more. This post is not meant to be a deep dive into these practices, but it’s worth pointing out the existence of these practices, and the remember that we must offer support to our brethren, in a way that is truly Catholic. This world is becoming increasingly confused about such things and we must be prepared not only to speak Truth, but to help each other live it.

I hope those who share the experience of a season of infertility can find hope, strength and fellowship from these gatherings. Let’s help each other carry our crosses, up the hill, eyes focused on our Blessed Lord and Heaven.

To learn more about what the Church teaches about infertility, contraception, IVF and similar matters visit the website for the USCCB and check out these materials: USCCB on NFP and Infertility 

Also, check out our new page with local resources and ministries seeking to serve those in a season of infertility, as well as those facing prenatal diagnoses